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Narada Rinpoche: повторное, Карма Крестовых Походов Франции, Германии и Италии

Разместил: Narada_Maat от 11-02-2019, 11:20
Narada Rinpoche: повторное, Карма Крестовых Походов Франции, Германии и Италии

Это повторное Письмо Кармы я отправляю правительству Франции, Германии, Италии в третий раз. Первое письмо было отправлено в 2014 году, а второе в 2017. Второй раз его получили:
+ во Франции - Бернар Казнёв / Bernard Cazeneuve, Жерар Ларше / Gerard Larcher, Жак-Кристоф Лагард / Jacques-Christophe Lagarde, Пьер Лора?н / Pierre Laurent, Франсуа Асселино / Francois Asselineau.
+ в Германии - Ангела Меркель / Angela Merkel, Петер Альтмайер / Peter Altmaier, Норберт Ламмерт / Norbert Lammert, Зигмар Габриэль / Sigmar Gabriel, Катя Киппинг / Katja Kipping, Хорст Зеехофер / Horst Seehofer.
+ в Италии - Паоло Джентилони / Paolo Gentiloni, Лаура Больдрини / Laura Boldrini, Маттео Ренци / Matteo Renzi, Анна Финокьяро / Anna Finochiaro, Анджелино Альфано / Angelino Alfano, Пьер Фердинандо Казини / Pier Ferdinando Casini, Риккардо Ненчини / Riccardo Nenchini.
Письмо Кармы от 2014 года на английском языке дано для ознакомления в конце моего письма.

! На этот раз Письмо Кармы получат:
+ В правительстве Франции: Эдуар Филипп / Edouard Philip - премьер-министр Франции, Жан-Ив Ле Дриан / Jean-Yves Le Drian - министр европейских и иностранных дел.
+ В правительстве Германии: Ангела Меркель / Angela Merkel - федеральный канцлер Германии, Хайко Маас / Heiko Maas - министр иностранных дел.
+ В правительстве Италии: Джузеппе Конте / Giuseppe Conte - премьер-министр, Джанкарло Джорджетти / Giancarlo Giorgetti - секретарь аппарата правительства Италии.

С 2017 года в нашем мире разворачиваются разительные перемены благодаря решительным действиям американского президента Трампа, который выступил против Глубинного Государства. С этого момента в мире начались Аресты Иллюминатов / Кабалы / хазарской мафии, над которыми ожидается Суд Маат. Избежать его никому не удастся. Периодично проходят казни высших членов Общества Иллюминатов, Тёмные деяния которых уже доказаны. Наступает время Суда Маат над членами Тёмного Общества, которые вредили человечеству, природе, планете.

Если на правительства стран нашего мира уже нет прежнего Тёмного Давления Мирового Правительства, то я искренне надеюсь, что моя Просьба - вернуть древние артефакты тем странам, у которых они были украдены во времена кровавых Крестовых Походов, будет рассмотрена правительствами стран Франции / Германии / Италии должным образом. Ведь именно из-за Кармы Крестовых Походов с 10 по 15 век в Европе в 14 веке была чёрная чума. На всех артефактах лежит Тёмная Энергия убийств, насилия и грабежа, которая притягивает к странам Европы природные и погодные катаклизмы, а также различные беды политического и экономического характера.

Поскольку Ватикан был инициатором всех Крестовых Походов, то именно он виноват в распространении Тьмы / чёрной чумы по Европе. По этой причине Папа Франциск будет давать своё Благословение тем музеям Европы и Древним Семьям, которые пожелают вернуть артефакты на их родину. Это снимет Карму со стран и с Древних Семей, а также даст народам Европы Новое Светлое будущее уже в Новом Мире.

Желаю правительству Франции / Германии / Италии принять правильное решение, чтобы создать для своей страны и народа Светлое будущее без кармического Тёмного прошлого.

С Добрыми Пожеланиями к правительству Франции / Италии / Германии и к вашим народам,
Нарада Ринпоче / Майтрея Будда,
февраль 2019 года

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! Письмо Кармы на русском языке от 2017 года: Письмо Кармы 2017 года: Кармические беды Европы: http://forum.narada-budda.ru/viewtopic.php?p=4057#p4057

! Русская версия Письма от 2014 года: Narada Rinpoche: Карма Крестовых Походов Франции, Германии и Италии: http://forum.narada-budda.ru/viewtopic.php?p=3424#p3424

! Karmic letter addressed to countries of Europe in March 2014

This letter will be sent to three European countries only: France, Germany and Italy, because they were active participants in Crusades from 10th to 15th century. Although the whole of Western Europe took part in Crusades. Europe of the Middle Ages has nothing to do with those countries, which are located on a modern map of the world. Therefore the Past Karma is covering the entire territory of Europe now. That Karma attracts European countries Troubles social, economic and natural character. Proof was floods and smoky in recent years.

I'm sending this letter to Government of three countries.
In France: French President Francois Hollande, former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, and the chairman of the French Senate Jean-Pierre Bel.
In Italy: The 11th President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Council of Ministers of Italy Matteo Renzi, the former Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Italy Enrico Letta.
And at Germany: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Federal President of Germany Joachim Gauck, and former President of Germany Christian Wulff.
Letters will be sent to different sources toat least one of them has reached its addressee. This letter is intended for ....

Mr. ..., the reason for writing this letter was the message which I received in my dream: "The cancer had come 1000 years ago. We had to go back in time and changed the slope of evolution. Lies has changed the evolutionary development. Difference in time has occurred. Direct your efforts. We ask you to change the slope of evolution again."

Everyone knows that the first baptism of Russia began with the baptism of Kiev Principality in 988, it was lasting for 12 years. This Baptism has murdered about 9 million people Principality of Kiev. And it was 1000 years ago. From this Day of the Baptism of Russia started Night of Svarog, which ended in 1999.
This is Karma, which can not be removed.

Any Baptism of Scandinavia, Russia (Great Tartary) and Asia was conducted only with the bloody Crusades. In all bloody Baptism participated countries of the Western Europe. The Pope of Rome gave his Blessing on each Crusades from 10th to 15th centuries and he in advanced absolved all sins to those, who participated in it. This fact has attracted many people from different classes of society. Everyone wanted to go in Crusades in the name of the God of the new faith, which the Roman Church was represented.

A major percentage of Crusaders were from France, Germany and England. Later they were joined by the Knights of Sweden and Hungary. Italy also afforded his knights of Crusades. But mostly it was the commercial activities for the importation goods from the East and artifacts (in the case of a successful) of those countries that have undergone the baptism. Later, in the medieval times, the rich and noble houses and families of France and Germany was began to do the same .
It were bloody artifacts of Baptism, because all Crusades were accompanied murders of people who were not agree to on Baptism.

All of this is the Karma, which took over all the countries of Western Europe. The Karma has the energy of destruction, which attracts similar energy. They carry a Troubles for Europe.

In the 14th century, all participants of Crusades, and also those who was involved to it, or agree with the ideology of the Baptism of other countries through blood and death, have been marked at the DNA level. The Great Plague has put this Sign of Karma on people from 1346 to 1369. Not for nothing that she was called the Black Death - the Darks of People.
25 million people have died during the 7 years of the first wave of plague from 1346 to1353 in Europe. The Sign of Karmas has been put on 4 of 7 generations of each family over the entire period of plague per 14th century.

Signs of Karma on humans are attracting woes to Europe now. All bloody artifacts from Crusades, which are stored in museums and noble Houses of Europe, attracted woes to Europe.
The other karmic Deeds: in European countries, in European noble families, and individuals living in Europe also attracting Troubles.

It was impossible to kill people in the name of the God. It was impossible to impose the new faith in the God using bloody murders. It was impossible to take goods and artifacts with baptized countries, because they have a tears of those killed.

The Karma of Crusades will be removed if artifacts and manuscripts will be refunded to countries from which they were taken after the bloody baptism. These artifacts are Heritage Ancestors of these countries, so they should be returned to their homeland.
Return artifacts to homeland is a good deed therefore the Pope of Rome will give his Blessings to remove the Karma with Vatican.

Karma can be removed from the Crusaders and those involved in it. For this the Karma would be washed by Tears of Full Repentance. After all, your ancestors is yourself - the people of Europe in the Past, when the act was committed.
Tears of Repentance will purify DNA by removing the Karma with the human soul. A person will feel a full relief. It will give him the understanding that the Karma was would be removed with him.

To Solve the issues of returning the artifacts and removing Karmas can only the government of the countries of Western Europe, and not someone else.
Only governments of countries of Western Europe can fix their Karma. For this reason I am writing this letter to the Governments of only those countries who actively participated in Crusades. Otherwise it will impossible to remove Karma from Europe that withdraw from her Trubles social, economic and natural character.
Good luck to all of you in making the right decisions.

Best wishes,
Narada Rinpoche

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