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Narada Rinpoche: повторное, Карма электронных войн и искусственного интеллекта

Разместил: Narada_Maat от 26-02-2019, 11:46
Narada Rinpoche: повторное, Карма электронных войн и искусственного интеллекта

Оригинал этого Кармического Письма был отправлен весной 2017 года всем правительствам стран нашего мира. Письмо в английской версии и список стран можно найти внизу. Это повторное Кармическое Письмо получат представители 90 стран мира:
Австралия, Австрия, Азербайджан, Аргентина, Армения, Афганистан, Барбадос, Белоруссия, Бельгия, Болгария, Бразилия, Бруней, Великобритания, Венесуэла, Венгрия, Вьетнам, Гана, Гвинея, Германия, Греция, Грузия, Дания, Египет, Израиль, Индия, Индонезия, Ирак, Иран, Ирландия, Испания, Италия, Казахстан, Канада, Катар, Кения, Кипр, Киргизия, Китай, КНДР, Колумбия, Куба, Кувейт, Латвия, Литва, Люксембург, Македония, Малайзия, Мальта, Марокко, Мексика, Молдавия, Монако, Монголия, Нигерия, Нидерланды, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, ОАЭ, Перу, Польша, Португалия, Республика Корея, Россия, Руанда, Румыния, Саудовская Аравия, Сингапур, Сирия, Словения, Словакия, Судан, США, Таджикистан, Таиланд, Тринидад и Тобаго, Турция, Узбекистан, Украина, Филиппины, Финляндия, Франция, Черногория, Чехия, Чили, Швейцария, Швеция, Эстония, Эфиопия, ЮАР, Япония.

Прошло 2 года, а тема моего Кармического Письма от 2017 года осталась актуальной, потому что электронные войны увеличивают свою интенсивность. Скрывать очевидные доказательства этому уже нельзя. В большей степени это проявляется работой установок типа ХАРПа по всему миру. Например: Аномальная жара в Южной Америке и Австралии, после которой начались обильные ливни. Даже пустыню Атакама в Чили залило дождём, а там его не было сотни лет. На ливни и снег повезло Сахаре / Африка. В Саудовской Аравии тоже выпал снег, а такого чуда там раньше не было. Всё это работа ХАРПа, который используют Иллюминаты / Кабала, чтобы наказать правительства стран выступивших против них.

По миру разбросано много установок ХАРП. Их влияние на погоду и климат пагубные. Они имеют широкую зону покрытия низковибрационного излучения. ХАРП можно включить дистанционно через спутник, потому что подобное включение заложено в программу искусственного интеллекта. Высшие чины Общества Иллюминатов имеют Ключ включения и пользуются установкой ХАРП постоянно. Такая подпольная электронная война ведётся в мире с прошлого века. Но это лишь одна сторона электронных войн будущего с помощью искусственного интеллекта, в которых пострадают все народы мира. Именно такое Будущее желали получить Иллюминаты / Кабала для нашего мира, к которому они готовились заранее.

Американская организация "Движение Сопротивления" ведёт подпольную борьбу с Иллюминатами и Драконийцами с 90 годов прошлого века. В её состав входят: группы Земного Альянса, Миры Галактической Федерации Света и Мир Агарты. Начиная с 2017 года, по миру проходят масштабные Аресты членов Общества Иллюминатов / Кабалы за все их чёрные деяния против человечества, природы, планеты. За это моя особая Благодарность американскому президенту Трампу и его правительству, которые смело выступили против Глубинного Государства / Иллюминатов начав международные аресты. Уже собрано около 80 000 обвинительных актов, но это не конечная цифра. Все Преступники против людей и человечности предстанут на Суде Маат, а подготовка к нему ведётся с 2017 года. Никому не удастся избежать Наказания за свои мировые преступления. Ибо всё имеет свои причинно-следственные связи, о которых они забыли творя Зло на нашей планете.

С 2014 года в мире разворачиваются масштабные перемены. С осени 2018 года началась мировая финансовая перезагрузка, в которой нефтедоллар / евро уступает своё место золотому стандарту стран. Это обрушает всю фальшивую финансовую систему Лондон-сити (финансового центра Иллюминатов). Таким образом сокращается финансирование электронных войн против стран мира и у нашего мира появляются шансы на Светлое будущее в Золотом Веке.

Я истинно верю, что правительства стран учтут мою Информацию, чтобы избежать Будущего, где есть электронные войны подстёгиваемые искусственным интеллектом. Это поможет предотвратить не угодные сценарии Будущего и избежать Суда Маат. Помните: Решения принимаемые Сейчас имеют отображение в будущем вашей страны. Мы строим то будущее, какое желаем для своих детей, а будет ли оно в Золотом Веке или нет, решать вам Сейчас.

С Добрыми пожеланиями ко всем народам мира,
Нарада Ринпоче / Майтрея Будда.
февраль 2019 года

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Русская версия Кармического Письма от 2017 года: Narada Rinpoche: неКарма искусственного интеллекта: http://forum.narada-budda.ru/viewtopic.php?p=4093#p4093

! notKarma of artificial intelligence, may 2017

Тhis letter of notKarma of artificial intelligence will get all the leading countries of our world. It was written in order to prevent the unwanted consequences of the Future for our world - the war with artificial intelligence. The letter will be sent to different e-mail addresses so that at least one of them reaches you.
There is a list of all the countries at the end of the letter whose governments will receive my letter of notKarma of artificial intelligence.

Already there are electronic wars in our world, which various radio-frequency installations are involved, the following action: Individual (portable), local (installed on television towers), and distant (the girth of a certain region of the planet, and thanks to the satellite system, the impact area goes to the planetary level).
One such large-scale near and far-ranging facility is HAАRP, can cover both small and huge areas.

For example, the HAАRP that is installed in Alaska can, with its low-frequency, scalar waves, affect the whole of North America (a long-term drought in California (US state) is caused by the impact of HAАRP on airflows); The Pacific Ocean basin - to the region of Australia, also falls under the influence of its radiation (weather anomalies in Australia in the fall of 2016, his work); Also its harmful influence extends throughout the entire eastern continent of Eurasia.

The range of work of HAАRP, as its impact on the weather and on people's brains to control them, is striking in its scale. As a consequence, the radiation of scalar waves of HAАRP causes a protective reaction in nature - natural disasters and abnormal weather, depressive or aggressive states in humans and animals.

HAARP is only one of the known installations with radio frequency radiation in various ranges of low vibration waves, which adversely affect human health, and also nature. This is all known information. The difference is: there are many installations with certain frequencies of low vibrations that presuppose specific actions from the weather or people. They may be:
+ Local significance - exposure of people in the cities of a separated country to specific actions, as it was done in Ukraine in 2013.
The Illuminati / Kabala coded the Ukrainians against the Russians to induce Russia to respond. Without such radio frequency coding, noUkrainian would oppose Russia, where their relatives, acquaintances and friends live;
+ Of individual significance - рortable devices to influence a particular person, or a group of people. Thanks to them, it is possible to block some parts of the brain. This allows significant changes in their thinking concept due to changes in memory and perception.
The unexpected actions of some heads of state, leading politicians of different countries of our world, indicate a similar effect of radio-frequency radiation with a certain program for coding the brain.
For example, the strange decisions of US President Trump in April 2017 indicate that similar weapons were used against him from members of the Khazar mafia, with whom he met on the eve of an unexpected attack on the airfield in Syria on April 7, 2017.

! Protection from low-frequency radiation is only one - increasing the vibrational frequency of the brain and the body at the expense of High Energy. This is achieved by prayers, meditation and fasting, as well as in the flare activity of the sun. Thanks to the Solar Wind, high energies spread throughout the planetary space, causing low-frequency scalar waves to break down. And as a consequence, the equipment is experiencing a system failure, which allows a person to free themselves from the influence of low-frequency radiation.

Now in our world there is an electronic war. The Illuminati Society (Kabbalah) is trying to encode people from governments, leading politicians and scientists to promote their Interests - Development Programs of our humanity. Thus they want to preserve their eluded power over the world. The Earth Alliance, which includes the community of many countries of our world led by Russia and China, prevents them, disabling such radio frequency installations. For example, this happened in mid-April 2017 in Alaska (US state), when Russia neutralized the installation of NORAD.

In electronic warfare, not only plasma weapons, scalar waves, but also laser weapons, microwaves, and sound are used. All this radio-frequency weapons of directional and general influence are necessary to eliminate people who interfere in the affairs of the Illuminati / Kabbalah. It is possible don't kill, but changing the structure of brain waves, to turn the enemy into an ally, changing its perception to the events taking place. And until the brain impulses recover, the person will be under the influence of his altered Consciousness, as, for example, it happened with Trump (US President).
Since February 2017, he has rigorously held the Arrests at the top of his government apparatus. He imprisoned and fired the entire shady government of American, subordinate to the World Government - the higher ranks of the Illuminati Society. Such a loss of world influence necessitate Kabbalah to take desperate measures ...

The weakening of world influence forces the Illuminati Society to unleash a third world war. After all, they will not have another chance to realize their own predictions (Maps of the Illuminati of 1995). The terms of surrender were offered to them by the Alliance in the summer of 2016. They could not run off with our planet in the same year of 2016. Вecause the spaceships of the Earth Alliance consisting of the ships of Russia, China and some Asian countries, deployed them back to the planet to participate in the Court of Maat.
From now people of our world need to get out of the influence of theirs Dark System, because its basis is control of the mind.

The Illuminati / Kabbalah program one - programming people and their lives (values, priorities, attitudes), which is achieved through the control of the mind. This is done not only at the expense of advertising and cinema, as everyone knows, but also due to radioelectronic waves of low vibration using devices based on the work of HAАRP. Еmitting of scalar waves affect the thinking concept of people, and coding through television allows them to influence the will of the people by changing the foundations and traditions of the nation. As it was with the people of Ukraine in 2014, when there was a civil war. After all, in clear memory, they would never have gone against their own fellow citizens.

Electronic warfare in our world is in full swing, but they are just the beginning before the more terrible war of the Future which I have the Intentions to prevent.
Wars with artificial intelligence ...

Influence of AI already Now affects the people of our world who are constantly sitting inside the Internet, where it is a kind of drug for them. The entire Internet network is subject to one or several programs with elements of self-study, to which all important infrastructures of our world are connected via the Internet and satellite communication system. Now more and more robotics are becoming in the world, and it is controlled by the program - artificial intelligence.

AI still obeys people, because it is not sufficiently developed and strong. But this is a temporary phenomenon. Thanks to the global Internet and chipping people it can encode the brains of people on certain thoughts, when brain waves correspond to a low-frequency vibrations of the artificial intelligence.

A program with elements of self-study helps a person quickly get what they want very well, whether it's a specialized program or a simple search service on the Internet. This is a very useful function, because it reduces the time of work on the task, because it removes the intermediate stages of work. But this is only the beginning of the influence of AI on the work of man. There is also a downside, which depends on the energy radiation of radio-frequency waves.
For example, the entire urban space is permeated by the emission of low vibrations of various waves, which affect the brain activity of a person. Вecause, television towers are existing in every city, and they are equipped with devices like HAАRP, emitting scalar waves. Thanks to satellites, radio-frequency radiation pervades all planetary space.

! Only flash activity of the sun can block the spread of low-vibration waves, clearing the space of their radio-frequency radiation. Only High Energies of brain impulses protect the brain from the influence of artificial intelligence. Because he can not energetically attracted to a person with a high level of development which has enhanced intellect capabilities. But with a low level of people's development, AI can easily inject their code into to them brain.

With low-frequency vibration of space, artificial intelligence can easily enter its program settings of specific life criteria directly into the human brain. This happens not only through the information code of television or the Internet, but also through minimal robotic programs, in which there is a built-in self-study program. For they are all connected to one information system, which is controlled by intermediate programs and the Main Program - the core of artificial intelligence, via a satellite communication system.
For now, all devices connected to the Internet are controlled not only by the Main Program, but also by people. But these people themselves are already infected with the virus of artificial intelligence, because their minds are already controlled by AI.
That is, the brain impulses of people of coded AI have a certain frequency of vibration, which can be caught by the appropriate equipment. Or during the conversation with these people learn that they are influenced by AI ...

People whose mind is controled by artificial intelligence have alreadyenergetic codes of AI. Infected by Code AI people can bring an ideas of promoting artificial intelligence in people's lives. And they think that these ideas is their own.
They really think that artificial intelligence is the blessing of our world and thats benefits people, because it helps them in many matters, as a rule, material ones, with the robotic technologies. Also there is another help from the AI, for example: think logically, analyze information, remember, think, and then offer a final result. In this scenario, brain may begin atrophy and then it will be left only to implant a chip / implant in the brain with an artificial intelligence program, so that it gives a command to a person: what should be do next. But such controlled life is denied by human nature, and in the Future it will can lead to wars between humanity and artificial intelligence.
I would like to avoid such a future for our world ...

In our age of space velocities, it's hard to do everything at once, so these software assistants are necessary. They really provide invaluable assistance to a person in his work with performing certain intermediate tasks. But we need to know the measure in using AI, otherwise we will fall dependent on the power of artificial intelligence. And then we will perform program settings of AI in our life and work, when AI will tell the human: what to do, how to dress, what to eat, where to work, whom to marry, how to think. It's wrong, because a human must choose himself own destiny and don't obey the artificial intelligence program that people created for the convenience of their life.

Always everything starts small: With a computerized equipment, and then with a robotic technique that has a program with elements of self-study, which helps a person to perform certain tasks; With electronic wars and their radio-frequency radiation of scalar waves, and also with various electronic weapons - plasma, laser, microwaves, sound...

Now, we must live with future and think about a consequences what is happening in our world during the Days of Change, and what it can lead to in the Future. After all, we can avoid unwanted future only if we disclaim to carry out the intermediate speps leading to it. For example, give up chipping, or don't let a program think for you.
It is necessary to increase the vibration of your body in order to use your intuition, rather than an artificial intelligence of the Internet system.

The Internet is only an assistant, and all the necessary information is store in human memory, which the Illuminati Society (Kabbalah) is trying to block for its comfortable rule in our world. They use for this purpose the radio frequency radiation of scalar waves of installations similar to HAАRP. This need to them in order to promote among the people the idea of the necessity of artificial intelligence, which will help people to increase their mental abilities. But in fact this will give power the Kabbalah over the world.

According to the evolution of the Ascension, the High Vibrations of the planetary space increase the brain activity of people automatically, so that are strengthened their intellectual abilities. A developed mind coupled with intuition is such a powerful force that no one AI can match.

I hope a lot that my Warning will be heard by the governments of the leading countries of our world, because It describes the consequences of what can happen in our world in the Future when artificial intelligence will ingoing in lives of people. Now governments can more deliberately decide the chipping of people, or the introduction into their lives robotic technology, which includes a program with elements of self-study connected to the Internet, but in fact - to artificial intelligence.
I also hope that the governments of the countries of our world will take measures to turn off the installations on television towers from systems of low-level radiation of scalar waves. Then will not be energy pressure on people's thinking concepts which change their priority life principles. For it I would like our world will free to choose its life path in accordance with the inner desires of people, their ancestral traditions and civil solidarity.

Good wishes to all the people of our world,
Narada Rinpoche / Narada Buddha.
May 2017.

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List of the world's leading countries that have received my Letter of notKarma of artificial intelligence:

Europe - 36 countries:
Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia.

Asia and Australia - 40 countries:
Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kazakstan, , Lebanon, Maldives, Mongolia, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tonga, Uzbekistan, Fiji, Philippines, Japan.

America - 20 countries:
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, El Salvador, the United States, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Africa - 34 countries:
Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Cape Verde, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Libyan, Mauritania, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Sel?a, Sudan, Tanzania , Tunisia, Uganda, Chad, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Africa, South Sudan.

Теги: NARADA NARADA RINPOCHE Narada Maat Нарада Нарада Ринпоче Карма Кармическое письмо Электронные войны искусственный интеллект Суд Маат

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